DEFECTIVES is an 8-part TV mini series dark comedy that follows Iggy, a college dropout with Major Depressive Disorder, and Charlie, a polite boy with Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, who meet in the waiting room of a therapists office, setting their romantic relationship in motion.

Inspired by darkly funny shows like Fleabag, Love, and You’re the Worst, Defectives hope to reveal the great difficulties and humor that come along with living — and dating— with a mental illness.  

The leading cause of disability in America for adults is major depressive disorder, which affects more than 16.1 million American adults.  3.3 million Americans have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, that is one out of every two hundred adults. 1 in 5 American adults currently have a mental health condition, that is 43.7 million Americans.

Defectives aims to remove the stigma mental illness through storytelling as we watch Iggy and Charlie struggle to grow into adulthood, figure out who the f they are, and find true intimacy as flawed people.

Season one tracks Charlie and Iggy during the beginning phase of their fumbling romance.  We watch them go through their first friction filled exchange, move on to slowly revealing small intimate bits of themselves, until they almost enter into a real relationship, challenging each other every step of the way.

Defectives is created by Matisse Rose.  She is an actor, writer, director, and producer raised and based in Los Angeles.  She graduated with a BFA in Theatre Arts from Boston University.  For her senior thesis, she created, acted in, and produced An Introduction to Heat Transfer, a play that went on to tour in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York.  In her free time, Matisse works at a program at UCLA in which she pretends to be various patients in order to help medical students with hands on learning.

Pilot and Bible available upon request.